Pegasus & Core Release Notes for June 2024

Pegasus Release Notes


  • Accessories

    • Fixed showing event media
  • Alerts

    • Added HoS detail information in the alert dialog. The information includes when was the last pause, how long the entity was working without pauses, and the segment setup.
    • Fixed alerts that can not be reopened.
    • Fixed the ‘Notices’ button on the left menu.
    • Fixed responsive layout in the alert dialog.
  • API

    • Fixed POST method in reversegeo API that returned an error when the request included the types parameter.
    • The exited condition was not triggered correctly (not implemented)
    • RT: Surfsight
      • Added label for passenger unbelted.
      • Improvements on the events reception. The generated events are receiving correctly in Pegasus, except the events that occur at the same time, we continue working to fixes this case.
    • RT: Traffilog – Reviewed the deployment when not using partitions
    • RT: CMS – Fixed events that do not appear in the dashboard.
    • RT: FleetUp – Improvements to handle trips in progress
    • Documentation and hand off of tasks for retransmitters to devops.
    • Third-Party Device – Supported commands response in devconsole (Ruptela)
    • Fwd :Comsatel – Added validation for null values
    • Fwd:Wisetrackemsa – Updated the protocol
    • Changlogs – Added the position of the ibutton array was removed the asset
    • Queclink GV75W – Added “battery.level” field for battery percentage
    • GV310LAU – Updated the ibutton field “ibutton.authorized.state” for “ibutton.authorized.state.enum”
  • General

    • Added more czech translations (edited)
  • Geofence

    • Fixed editing a property that has a default value in the JSON schema.
  • Tracking

    • Fixed the platform freezing when zooming the map in an area with many devices
    • Supported new embedded inputs and outputs (input 4-7 and output 3-4)
    • Fixed fuel liter values ​​for Syrus 4 devices with technoton fuel sensor and serial expander
    • Fixed the fuel level percentage (when tank volume is at 100%)
    • Fixed the default values ​​of the safe zone to prevent sending the command to deactivate the exit. When the user sets a save zone, there are three options for the action: enable, disabled, and no action.
  • Organization

    • Added a validation to prevent a user from trying to change another user’s email.
    • Fixed trip setup method for Ignition Only in Syrus 4 and non-Syrus devices. Devices that did not support the tracker method will display “Method not supported for device”.
    • When a user does not have their preferences completed, a message was added when trying to change some scope.
    • The “Copy User” button was hidden for Staff users, to avoid copying them.
    • Fixed the creation of user when the preferences are empty.
    • Added dynamic group by assets.
  • Reports

    • Reports Scheduled – Fixed  when an admin/basic user creates or deletes a report the page is automatically updated, and added pagination
    • Fixed showing favorite reports when refreshing the page
    • Fuel Report – Fixed the code shown on the user interface
    • Snapshot Report-  Will show all vehicles that belong to the selected group, show zero values ​​for vehicles that don’t have data
    • Visits, Fuel Consumption, Speed Durations, Activity Details, Speeding reports – Added columns with the IButton and driver name  in summary and details
    • HoS Report – Will display a warning when the device associated with the vehicle does not have segment configuration
    • Scheduled reports – Fixed reports not received when scheduled around 00:00 UTC on the first of the month
    • New Report “iButton History ” – Show the historical association of iButtons with vehicles and assets in the last 12 months
    • Fuel Consumption – Fixed distance equals zero when the vehicle had trips.
    • Posted Speed Limits – Fixed show the vehicle incident. The report was generated without incident when the vehicle was speeding.
    • Speed Durations – Fixed events occurring more than once on the same geofence. Fixed the column max speed that wasn’t show any value and geofence id column was not showing the correct id.
    • Fuel Report – Changed the position of the tooltip in the Fuel Level Chart (Tab Analysis)
    • In the main view of the reports, it was fixed then name of the Cycle and HoS report
    • Speeding (Schedule report) – Added value 0 by default for the “minutes” field
    • Added icon for the iButton History Report
    • Temperature History – fixed display negatives values in the chart. Now the report have a threshold limit from -9°C  to 99 °C.
    • Temperature History
      • added a geofence column in Details tab
      • added location in the tooltip chart on Overview tab

  • Third-Party Services

    •  Fixed position request commands for Lynx
    •  Fixed the activation and deactivation of outputs for Ruptela HCV5
    •  Added customized ignition config.engine.ignition.status for Ruptela HCV5
    •  Updated field ibutton.authorized.state for ibutton.authorized.state.enum in Queclink GV310LAU
  • Tracking

    • Added a filter that allows filtering on any group and entity property.

  • HoS

    • Improvements:
      • The colors of the bars were changed depending on the state of the entity, ex: light blue when the entity is resting or taking a break, light red when the entity is overworked and light green when the entity is working without getting overworked
      • Added a description to each part of cycle (Cycle, Working, Driving, Break, Resting)
      • Added a vertical line to divide a day from another
      • For enhanced assets was added the vehicle information, and for vehicles was added the enhanced asset information

  • HoS Logbook

    • Adjustments and improvements:
      • Work events less than 5 minutes will not be shown
      • Work events for the entire selected day are displayed
      • Fixed trips that did not appear on the map
      • Fixed the full screen of the map
      • Fixed events not showing well centered on the map
      • The map will be shown when the entities are not selected
      • Breaks are shown if the entity was resting during the selected dates
      • When the entity exceeds its working time limit, it will show that the cycle is invalid.
  • Webservices

    • Create JSON Tracktec Faena Fowarder
    • Fixed Colombia Police Forwarder Error, it was not allowing data to be sent
    • Cipia – Fixed video delay caused by ftp credential error when reporting only video events
    • Surfsight – Fixed events not received in Pegasus
    • Added Geotab Integration (RT)
    • Fixed  Surfsight cameras not displaying online in Pegasus

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