
Pegasus & Core Release Notes for July 2024

  • Alerts

    • Fixed close the Alert Dialog when the alert is resolved
  • API

    • HOS – fixed missing cycles for specific group
  • General

    • Various corrections and additions to Czech language
  • Geofence

    • Fixed overlay of geofences text in collections
  • Tracking

    • Fixed configured tank volumen on technnoton sensor
    • Added fuel level even if the vehicle has been with the same fuel level for more than 7 days. Added a message indicating how long the vehicle has been parked
  • Organization

    • Vehicles – added fuel level integration for Ruptela HCV5 via `can.fuel.volume`
    • Groups – fixed error when sync dynamic groups
  • Reports

    • Trip Analysis Between Geofences – fixed show wrong date in the “departed from base” column
    • Incidents – fixed excel download
    • Incidents – added new tab “Details per trip” that show trip information and events like speeding, idling, acceleration, agressive curves, crash and more
    • Fuel – fixed error when try to generate the report. Added validation for undefined properties
    • Idling – fixed the missing data in “Company” and “License Plate” columns. Sometimes the company and license plate were displayed in blank
    • Offline – fixed date display in the “Last Report Date” column that was not taking into account the user preferences
  • Third-Party Devices

    • Lynx – improvements in events reception with same timestamp. Now the system will receive all the events executed at the same time.
    • Concox GTo6E – the system will display the igniton on event with code 254
    • Ruptella – the code 65535 in can.fuel.volume is ignored when reported.
    • Updating List of Protocols and Devices


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Pegasus & Core Release Notes for June 2024

Pegasus Release Notes


  • Accessories

    • Fixed showing event media
  • Alerts

    • Added HoS detail information in the alert dialog. The information includes when was the last pause, how long the entity was working without pauses, and the segment setup.
    • Fixed alerts that can not be reopened.
    • Fixed the ‘Notices’ button on the left menu.
    • Fixed responsive layout in the alert dialog.
  • API

    • Fixed POST method in reversegeo API that returned an error when the request included the types parameter.
    • The exited condition was not triggered correctly (not implemented)
    • RT: Surfsight
      • Added label for passenger unbelted.
      • Improvements on the events reception. The generated events are receiving correctly in Pegasus, except the events that occur at the same time, we continue working to fixes this case.
    • RT: Traffilog – Reviewed the deployment when not using partitions
    • RT: CMS – Fixed events that do not appear in the dashboard.
    • RT: FleetUp – Improvements to handle trips in progress
    • Documentation and hand off of tasks for retransmitters to devops.
    • Third-Party Device – Supported commands response in devconsole (Ruptela)
    • Fwd :Comsatel – Added validation for null values
    • Fwd:Wisetrackemsa – Updated the protocol
    • Changlogs – Added the position of the ibutton array was removed the asset
    • Queclink GV75W – Added “battery.level” field for battery percentage
    • GV310LAU – Updated the ibutton field “ibutton.authorized.state” for “ibutton.authorized.state.enum”
  • General

    • Added more czech translations (edited)
  • Geofence

    • Fixed editing a property that has a default value in the JSON schema.
  • Tracking

    • Fixed the platform freezing when zooming the map in an area with many devices
    • Supported new embedded inputs and outputs (input 4-7 and output 3-4)
    • Fixed fuel liter values ​​for Syrus 4 devices with technoton fuel sensor and serial expander
    • Fixed the fuel level percentage (when tank volume is at 100%)
    • Fixed the default values ​​of the safe zone to prevent sending the command to deactivate the exit. When the user sets a save zone, there are three options for the action: enable, disabled, and no action.
  • Organization

    • Added a validation to prevent a user from trying to change another user’s email.
    • Fixed trip setup method for Ignition Only in Syrus 4 and non-Syrus devices. Devices that did not support the tracker method will display “Method not supported for device”.
    • When a user does not have their preferences completed, a message was added when trying to change some scope.
    • The “Copy User” button was hidden for Staff users, to avoid copying them.
    • Fixed the creation of user when the preferences are empty.
    • Added dynamic group by assets.
  • Reports

    • Reports Scheduled – Fixed  when an admin/basic user creates or deletes a report the page is automatically updated, and added pagination
    • Fixed showing favorite reports when refreshing the page
    • Fuel Report – Fixed the code shown on the user interface
    • Snapshot Report-  Will show all vehicles that belong to the selected group, show zero values ​​for vehicles that don’t have data
    • Visits, Fuel Consumption, Speed Durations, Activity Details, Speeding reports – Added columns with the IButton and driver name  in summary and details
    • HoS Report – Will display a warning when the device associated with the vehicle does not have segment configuration
    • Scheduled reports – Fixed reports not received when scheduled around 00:00 UTC on the first of the month
    • New Report “iButton History ” – Show the historical association of iButtons with vehicles and assets in the last 12 months
    • Fuel Consumption – Fixed distance equals zero when the vehicle had trips.
    • Posted Speed Limits – Fixed show the vehicle incident. The report was generated without incident when the vehicle was speeding.
    • Speed Durations – Fixed events occurring more than once on the same geofence. Fixed the column max speed that wasn’t show any value and geofence id column was not showing the correct id.
    • Fuel Report – Changed the position of the tooltip in the Fuel Level Chart (Tab Analysis)
    • In the main view of the reports, it was fixed then name of the Cycle and HoS report
    • Speeding (Schedule report) – Added value 0 by default for the “minutes” field
    • Added icon for the iButton History Report
    • Temperature History – fixed display negatives values in the chart. Now the report have a threshold limit from -9°C  to 99 °C.
    • Temperature History
      • added a geofence column in Details tab
      • added location in the tooltip chart on Overview tab

  • Third-Party Services

    •  Fixed position request commands for Lynx
    •  Fixed the activation and deactivation of outputs for Ruptela HCV5
    •  Added customized ignition config.engine.ignition.status for Ruptela HCV5
    •  Updated field ibutton.authorized.state for ibutton.authorized.state.enum in Queclink GV310LAU
  • Tracking

    • Added a filter that allows filtering on any group and entity property.

  • HoS

    • Improvements:
      • The colors of the bars were changed depending on the state of the entity, ex: light blue when the entity is resting or taking a break, light red when the entity is overworked and light green when the entity is working without getting overworked
      • Added a description to each part of cycle (Cycle, Working, Driving, Break, Resting)
      • Added a vertical line to divide a day from another
      • For enhanced assets was added the vehicle information, and for vehicles was added the enhanced asset information

  • HoS Logbook

    • Adjustments and improvements:
      • Work events less than 5 minutes will not be shown
      • Work events for the entire selected day are displayed
      • Fixed trips that did not appear on the map
      • Fixed the full screen of the map
      • Fixed events not showing well centered on the map
      • The map will be shown when the entities are not selected
      • Breaks are shown if the entity was resting during the selected dates
      • When the entity exceeds its working time limit, it will show that the cycle is invalid.
  • Webservices

    • Create JSON Tracktec Faena Fowarder
    • Fixed Colombia Police Forwarder Error, it was not allowing data to be sent
    • Cipia – Fixed video delay caused by ftp credential error when reporting only video events
    • Surfsight – Fixed events not received in Pegasus
    • Added Geotab Integration (RT)
    • Fixed  Surfsight cameras not displaying online in Pegasus

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Pegasus & Core Release Notes for May 2024

Pegasus Release Notes


  • Alerts

    • Fixed alert dialog that wasn’t displaying the map
    • Fixed loading maps not showing in the alert dialog
  • API

    • Core
      • Fixes for Titan devices that were reporting incorrect battery level on certain events
      • Improvements in route deletion
      • Identification of where data comes from when being received via the JSON receiver, there’s a new field in the devices API `protocol.application`
      • Support for track point events more frequently from third-party devices (requires a modification to each device)
      • Queclink GV58LAU – Power indicators were integrated
      • Queclink GV310LAU photo integration
      • Concox JM-VL103 – Added ignition events
      • Heartbeat events are no longer marked as invalid locations in tracking
      • Queclink GV350M – Fixed BLE temperature incorrect parsing
      • Fixed platform freezes when selecting unit grouping on the map
    • Third-Party Device
      • Support ibutton persistence for Queclink
    • Retransmitters
      • Satcom lite – data now supports speed and heading information and added low battery event
      • Surfsight – fixed gaps in GPS events
      • Surfsight – updated the labels to generate ignition events
      • Surfsight – video processing improvements
      • Updates for Wisetrack BHP webservice, new requirements for RUT and Driver ID
      • Surfsight – Improvements in data received live from multiple groups
    • Others
      • Performance improvements and distribution of reports in large sites
      • Added more Polish/Czech translations
  • Tracking

    • Tracking improvements to events with multimedia, highlighting events on the map, media browser, and layout changes
    • Fixed online state for devices reporting for’udp’
    • Fixed video component that was showing a different hour for the same event
    • Fixed display the odometer value in the vehicles download file (.xlsx)
    • Added polish translations in the transaction tooltip in Cemex Status Cycle view
    • Fixed video component that was showing a different hour for the same event
  • Geofences

    • Fixed error when trying to create a geofence
  • Geofence (JSON Schema Settings)

    • Improvements to property templates to allow default values and validate required fields
    • Fixed the creation of a geofence that was returning an error
  • Organization

    • Fixed bug that showed wrong trip criteria for Syrus 4 (“Gateway criterion”, “Ignition Only” and “Event labels” are supported for Syrus 4 devices
  • Reports

    • New Daily Usage Report
    • Fuel Report – improvements to fuel loss detection for different sensors
    • Trips Report – improvements to the fuel consumption for different sensors
    • Activity Details Report – in the CSV the event id was replaced with the trip id
    • Speed Report – added a filter to discard millisecond events
    • Daily Entity Summary Report – for the odometer columns, the values ​​entered by the user are prioritized if there is no value reported by the ECU or GPS respectively.
    • Temperature History – Fixed assets showing in the vehicles column
    • Temperature Live – Fixed incorrect temperatures values
    • HoS Report – Added name of the entity if at one point it had configured segments
    • Trips Report – Fixed data inconsistencies shown when multiple reports were generated on the same day with the same parameters
    • Idling Report – Improvements so that the idling values ​​are more similar to the idling events shown in the Activity Details Report
    • Daily Entity Summary – Added in the Tab Details the latest odometer values ​​when the entity does not report data in a time range
    • Events Report – Supported display of media events with multiple photos and videos
    • Speeding Report – Added geofence speed limit option, which allows showing speeding events in the selected geofences
  • HoS Logbook

    • Adjustments and improvements
      • Work events less than 5 minutes will not be shown
      • Work events for the entire selected day are displayed
      • Fixed trips that did not appear on the map
      • Fixed the full screen of the map
      • Fixed events not showing well centered on the map
      • The map will be shown when the entities are not selected
      • Breaks are shown if the entity was resting during the selected dates
      • When the entity exceeded its working time limit, it will show that the cycle is invalid.

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Pegasus & Core Release Notes for April 2024

Pegasus Release Notes


  • API

    • Reversegeo API
      • Fixed latitude, longitude with POI in reversegeo API. There was a POI that was not showing in the reversegeo request.
      • Added parameter ‘types’= id_collection, in reversegeo API. With this param the response will include geofences that are Points of Interest within the specified radius.
    • Suntech – Change the console command API endpoint to get a response
    • Updated the ;IX tag to receive embedded inputs and outputs from Syrus 4 and IOs Expander
    • Added new pegasus rawdata fields for ;IMU tag
    • Updated FWD:gauss_control #8578. The `start` field was changed to date type , example: “start”:”2019-08-21 16:20:02”.
    • Fixed all group logos that were no longer visible
    • Add option to ky to completely eliminate the automatic position requests that Pegasus makes as part of trips detection
    • Exposed a way to get the amount of triggers per entities  (Doc)
    • FWD wisetrackemsa: The `opcional_1` field will have the information converted to m/s^2 from `ac` field.
    • FWD gauss_control: In the `vehicleCode` field instead of the name, will be sent the license plate.
    • Third-Party Device Receiver
      • Teltonika – Integration of Fuel level for Escort RS232/RS485
      • Fixed teltonika fmc920 devices that was not reporting the battery level in Pegasus.
      • Lynx – Integrated remaining labels
    • Retransmitters
      • CMS
        • CMS DVR allows 4 videos
      • Jimi
        • Change ‘engine.ignition.status’ depending on whether the label is ignon/ignoff
      • Surfsight
        • Updated the Surfsight event list
        • Added ftgfoodrnk label for Food and Drink events.
      • Cipia
        • Created retransmitter for the Australia middleware
  • Applications

    • Fixed Apps option. It was throwing an error when trying to access the Applications option.
  • Geofence

    • Fixed speed limit unit when downloading the geofence/collection file. The speed limit unit corresponds with the user preference distance field #8589
  • Organization

    • Fixed the average temp that was incorrect in Tracking and Accessories Module
    • Improvements to the online status of third-party devices that were shown online when they were in fact offline
    • Fixed visualization of group logos
  • Reports

    • Temperature report migration and improvements. The Temperature Reports was renamed by “Temperature History”. The report allow more than one vehicle, filter by a temperature range, by analog input. Show temp1 to temp 10, humidity, input analogs.

    • Live Temperature Report now displays the vehicle selector on the left panel and the Live Temperature on the right.
    • Activity Details / Incidents Report – Added a new event for possible crash detection and trip-related information for events.

    • To fix the queuing and delay in generating reports, it is restricted that a user does not occupy the entire queue.
    • Added “Device Associations Report”. This report shows the device associations/disconnections historical.

    • Events Count Report – Fixed fatigue events that were not showing.
    • Fixed the error when copying the report by changing the scheduled params
    • Fixed some scheduled reports that were not received
    • Snapshot Report – Fixed some reports that could not be generated

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Pegasus & Core Release Notes for March 2024

Pegasus Release Notes


Added “Hours of Service” Module


  • Alerts

    • Added cycle information (HoS) in the alert
  • Automation

    • Added geofence speed limit option for the condition: “Is inside a geofence”. The trigger will fire when the vehicle reaches a speed greater than the speed limit for the geofence.
    • Added translations for trigger conditions
    • Added the following options in Alert Actions: “Open dialog immediately”, “Require a read receipt”, “Resolution integration”.
    • Fixed trigger speeding inside the geofence. The alert was activated without reaching the limit
  • API

    • Added Surfsight Dashcam Integration
    • Added Jimi Camara Integration
    • Flespi
      • Update can.dtc param by can.dtc.array. The parameter can.dtc is currently of string type and will be converted to type array with separate DTC codes.
      • Queclink – Integrated analog fields
      • Teltonika
        • Integration of Fuel level for Escort RS232/RS485
        • Fixed teltonika fmc920 that was not reporting the battery level in Pegasus
  • Configuration Manager

    • Added global configuration changes for super users
    • Added global creation of new core labels by super user
  • Documentation

    • Integration and reception of Alerts with Telegram
  •  Organization

    • User – Added filter by first and last name
    • Device – Added translations for segment setup
    • Vehicle –  Added filter by VIN
    • Vehicle – Fixed disassociating a group from a vehicle and fixed the message showing the number of groups associated with the vehicle.
    • Asset – Improvements in the massive creation of assets

  • Preferences

    • Added Polish language
  •  Reports

    • Fixed, scheduling via button in report generation
    • Trip Analysis Between Geofences Report – Fixed wrong data in some columns on csv & xlsx files
    • Activity Details Report – Fixed the filter of the speed limit configurated in geofence
    • Activity Details Report – Fixed incomplete speeding events with device configuration. There was one event not reflected in the report
    • Engine Stats – Fixed generated report with zero values, the report will only show the vehicles that have information in the date range selected
    • Scheduled Report- Fixed report when the last mont option is selected. In this case, days and hours values ​​are set to 0
    • The reports to be sent by email will be compressed if exceed 25MB
    • Scheduled Report – Fixed the amount of days in the “For the past” column
    • Trips Report – Added filter by vehicle name in Detail Tab
  •  Settings

    • Add option for custom apps open in new window
    • Added HoS option to enable the Hours of Service Application
  • Tracking

    • Fixed Surfsight speeding data
    • Fixed load Ruptela photos

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Pegasus & Core Release Notes for February 2024

Pegasus Release Notes


  • Alerts

    • Added cycle information (HoS) in the alert
    • Added “Alert Date” field on the top of alert dialog, and the “Date” field was renowned by “Event Date”.
  • API

    • Queclink Kamaleon
      • Added parse float for SoC in DE payload.
      • Added mapping for DY message.
    • Queclink
      • Added btt sensor mapping to support 10 sensors.
    • Teltonika (FMC130 and FMU130)
      • Integrated location button (getgps).
    • Traffilog
      • Added Traffilog to 3rd party devices mappings.
    • Automation
      • Fixed “resolved_by” in Alerts/Trigger_logs.
      • Added HoS data to trigger_logs.
    • Fixes to parse photo in 3er party devices.
    • Fixes video link for emails.
    • Added new devices on FTP allowed list (Jimi and CMS DVR).
  • Applications

    • Taurus App – Support new Android versions (v 12+)
  • Automation

    • Added the following options in Alert Actions: “Open dialog immediately”, “Require a read receipt”, “Resolution integration”.
    • Speed limit option for inside geofence conditions.
  • Core

    • HoS API
      • Added entity’s latitude and longitude at the time the work segment ends. If the entity has not finished its work segment, the latitude and longitude of the current cycle are displayed.
      • Get last changelog before working time.
      • Fixed date filter.
    • Added listener restart required on devices reporting before they’re added to the site database.
    • Forwarder permanence – Added instructor field based on the vehicle’s properties.
    • Atrack
      • Added AK7S to AK7V mappings.
    • Concox JM-VL502
      • Mapped Engine parameters.
    • Teltonika FMC130
      • Mapped battery.voltage and battery.leve
    • Traccar
      • Added integration
  • Dev Console

    • Fixed RER04 for command on configurations with new allowed commands.
  • Geofence

    • Fixed geofence visualizing when the geofences are not created correctly.
  •  Organization

    • Added Fuel accessory to Ruptela devices.
    • Added new media configuration for video, camera devices KY r448.
    • Added 3 new vehicles icon and 1 truck icon.
    • Device – Added phone number in sim cards.
    • Fixed set and delete phone number on devices.
  •  Reports

    • Created a sub-engine to reorder columns in the Activity Details Report.
    • Created the TJB column in Alert Report, Speeding Durations Report and Activity Details Report.
    • Fixed duplicated data in Speeding Durations Report.
    • Fixed double .zip
    • Fuel – Added the fuel theft percentage as a parameter.
    • Fuel – Fixed differences in the Details Tab when a range of 3 days or more is selected.
    • Scheduled – Improvements to the range date, now the user can select the last month, and also can choose the days of the week.
    • Engine stats – Replaced the word undefined to —
    • Trips – Removed token in URL.
  •  Tracking

    • Fixed vehicle icon when the vehicle doesn’t send the speed.

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Pegasus & Core Release Notes for January 2024

Pegasus Release Notes


  • Core

    • Validate geofence overlap
  • General

    • Fixed Support Chat
  • Geofence

    • Fixed visualizing geofence areas.
  •  Organization

    • Fixed message when a vehicle is updated.
    • Basic users with scope can do the association vehicle-device even if the user doesn’t have access to see the IMEI.
    • Improvements in asset management. For Taurus assets, there are these sections: Properties, Groups, Taurus, Device. For Enhanced assets, there are these sections: Properties, Peripherals, Groups, Device. For Regular assets, there are these sections: Properties, Peripherals, Groups.
  •  Reports

    • Fixed inconsistencies related to GPS distance, ECU distance, and fuel consumption in the Fuel Consumption Report and Trips Report.
    • Fixed last value reported by the odometer in Engine Stats Report.
    • Fixed odometer inconsistencies in Engine Stas Report and Daily Entity Summary Report.
  •  Setting

    • Enable device trip configuration for site admins.

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Pegasus & Core Release Notes for December 2023

Pegasus Release Notes


  • Automation

    • The label selector in the Choose condition dialog was improved; when the label is selected it will disappear from the selector list because it is already selected.
  •  Console

    • The Admin role can delete the custom commands.
  • Core

    • Howen Dashcam Integration.
    • Fixed the payload in syrlynx devices.
    • Queclink, integrated hourometer.
    • Supported custom string field in json interoperability receiver.
    • Queclink GV310LAU, Integrated position request and SECO.
    • Handling output activations for the new Lynx model.
    • Fixed travel setup for admin users.
  •  Dashboards

    • Added option to hide engine error codes without description.
    • Added time zone support.
  • Geofence

    • Fixed, import geofences with alphanumeric names.
  •  Organization

    • Fixed, assets download file, now the Excel includes the phone number.
    • Fixed, warning firmware outdated. The warning icon appears when the firmware version is outdated.
    • Fixed update numerical properties when an asset is created.
    • Updated error text when trying to associate a device with a vehicle.
  • Raw Data

    • Filter by API field sets was improved, when the element is selected it will disappear from the selector list.
  •  Reports

    • Fuel Consumption Report – Fixed, values shown in Charts. The values shown in the Charts match with the values shown in details.
    • Fuel Consumption Report – Fixed, stolen fuel consumption. The report was giving a false fuel theft.
    • Schedule Report can report geofence visits depending on the configured time.
    • Added Snapshot Report.
    • Virtualized Fuel Consumption in Daily Counters Report.
    • The columns reports can be deleted instead of hidden.
    • Fixed generated speed events in Schedule Report.
    • Added Geofences that were not visited in Visit Report.
    • Fixed SAP empty fields in Activity Details Report.
    • Points of interest are already shown when using the speed limits option in geofence in Speeding Durations Report.
    • Added new label for aggressive curves in Activity Details Report.
    • The geofence speed limit column values ​​were rounded in the Activity Details Report.
    • Fixed generated speed limit event in the Activity Details Report. Now the report shows only the speed events that meet the speed limit condition.
    • Fixed export format XLSX in the Speed Durations.
    • Fixed the alerts generated in the Alert Report.
    • Fixed changelogs with different order code in the Alert Report.
  •  Tracking

    • The ENGINE DATA button in Metrics Card will be hidden when the vehicle hasn’t ecu params.
    • Fixed, loading vehicles that don’t have fuel level.
  • Trips

    • The green and red colors were removed from the path trip.

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Pegasus & Core Release Notes for November 2023

Pegasus Release Notes


  • Alerts

    • In the Alert dialog, it was added whether the alert occurred before or after meridian (AM/PM).
    • The option to create a notice depends on the user’s scope. The create notice will be hidden for basic users.
    • Redesign of Email and Alert Notifications in the UI.
    • Added an enable button to open the closed alerts.
  • Dashboard

    • All vehicles are loaded.
  • Forms

    • Fixed PDF visualization in Microsoft Edge with Windows 10/11.
  • General

    • Fixed pass email link for mobile app.
  • Geofences

    • Geofence properties that already exist within a template were hidden.
  • Organization

    • Asset properties that already exist within a template were hidden.
    • The association button in Vehicles is enabled depending on the user’s scope.
    • Improvements in assets.
      • When creating an asset the properties are now correctly shown before saving.
      • Editing an existing property shows the name of the property correctly.
    • Supported selection of Topflytech configurations on UI.
    • Added two new parameters: `max_continuous_work_hours` and `min_break_hours` on device setup segment. See Documentation
  • Reports

    • Fixed custom properties limit.
    • Implement virtualization of idle fuel consumption in Fuel & Trips Reports.
    • Fixed inconsistence in Idling Fuel and Driving Hours in Consumption, Productivity, and use by Vehicle Report.
    • Fixed fuel cost calculation in Mileage Report.
    • Fixed unattended alerts in Alert Report.
    • Added a loader in Reports. The loader will be displayed while the report is rendering.
    • Implemented virtualization of idle fuel consumption in Fuel Consumption Report.
    • Fixed undetected fills in Fuel Consumption Report.
    • Fixed negatives values in hourmeter and odometer in Overview Report.
    • Report management -Added option to hide shipments columns.
  • Routes

    • Fixed routes that are evaluated by the vehicle.
    • Fixed displaying vehicles with routes when selecting vehicles without routes.
  • Tracking

    • Fixed the icon when receiving event with not valid position.
  • Mobile Apps

    • Google Play’s target API level requirements.
  • API/Core Changes (version 7.2.0)

    • Fixed RPV Parser
    • Addition of max_continuous_work_hours` and `min_break_hours` in the segment configuration API.
    • ECU new OBD fields to map
    • Queclink GV350M Persistence of iButton
    • Teltonika main power V
    • Commands and responses from the Console for third party devices
    • Added option to skip checkpoints on the Neoris permanence forwarder
    • Cipia driver ID as an ibutton, for more information read the following message

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Pegasus & Core Release Notes for September 2023

Pegasus Release Notes


⭐ New Feature: Points of Interest

    • Geofences have a new property that makes them a “Point of Interest (POI)”
    • Alerts popup now shows any nearby POIs (within 30km of the alert)
    • Documentation
  • Automation

    • General fix for triggers that have an entered condition, it was sending 2 emails before
    • Fixes for telegram triggers that were duplicated, a wrong ID set previously
    • Fixed search of custom properties in the Catalog when building custom entity properties and improvements in the selector
  • Alerts

    • Added support for a dynamic map (including sites without a Google API key)
    • Added a section that shows if there are any nearby checkpoints to the alert generated
    • Fixed the order in which incoming alerts are displayed.
    • Fixed the subject and email body for alerts with geofence information.
  • Tracking

    • Improved the export vehicle list that’s in tracking, address resolution is now done on all coordinates
    • Vehicle dialog contains the event label text better when the length exceeds 30 characters
    • Deprecation warning – the push notifications in the Chat section for Taurus assets are no longer supported, pending a Taurus update to reenable
    • There’s a mini menu button next to the toggle view that lets you select the view to switch to
    • Fixes to the fuel level shown when using gallon units in preferences
    • Added the time that Features (outputs) where activated/deactivated at
    • Fixed temperature data, now is updating automatically in UI.
    • Fixed temperature icon duplicated. There is only one icon related to the temp_value. Deleted from tooltip parameters: temp_a, temp_b, temp_c.
    • Fixed wrong speed in some vehicles with ECU data
    • Tooltips now allow selecting the text and copying
    • Address resolution was improved to show large geofences
    • The Hours of Service CLOSE button was enabled only for Overworked entities since it doesn’t apply to other cases
  • Geofences

    • The collection edition button was fixed,  :pencil2: it used to hide on the first open
    • Geofence properties added a checkbox for making a geofence a Point of Interest
  • Rawdata

    • Support for decimals in speeds reported from Syrus 4 devices
    • Fixed boolean values that changed to decimals instead of showing the checkmark vs X icon :heavy_check_mark: vs :x:
    • Support modem temperature field. Temperature can be a negative value
    • Adding in RawData API new parameters related to entities and assets
    • Coordinates are trimmed to 5 decimal places
  • Reports

    • live-temperature – Fixed a bug where the temperature column didn’t appear in the summary, also removed duplicate fields in the legend
    • Fuel report – hiding unused sensors
    • General improvements to all reports that support custom properties, faster resolution, able to load more data
    • Rounding correction in speeding & speeding_durations
    • Fixed incorrect counters on Trips Report. Fixed inconsistencies between data from Trips Report and app
    • Changes in tracking columns order on Trips Report.
    • Fixes in Fuel Report, now show all entities that reported fuel.
    • Fuel Report improvement related to the information based on fills and vehicle tank level.
    • Fixes in Alert Report, now show all the alerts that are in the app, including the unattended alerts, the custom properties, and the transactions.
  • Dashboards

    • Improvements to the group, and vehicle selector filters
    • Added a new filter for TSP in the TSP Audit Dashboard
    • Added the ability to rename the selectors (this is configured in the settings)
    • Assigned ECU data priority to distance, engine hours, and idling hours panels in all dashboards
  • Organization

    • vehicles Added new tractor icons to the entity icon selector
    • vehicles A warning is now shown in case the vehicle has more than 5 device associations
    • vehicles The download/export list of vehicles now includes the fuel information about the vehicle
    • users Support for new user scopes for the creation and deletion of vehicles and assets in the application
    • devices Added a configuration selector for Queclink devices (note that this does not edit the configuration of the device, it’s used primarily for label assignment or output behavior)
    • groups Added sorting in the groups list
    • groups Fixes to the dynamic group synchronization
    • Vehicle device associations order was fixed, it now shows the most recent 5.
  • Webservices

    • Added support for a new field in the general configuration called __ecu_speed_float which converts the ecu speed from integer to floats (by default it’s not defined so the data is still sent as integer, but eventually we’ll make this a requirement)
  • API/Core Changes (version 7.2.0)

    • We released an update to the Pegasus Interoperability JSON receiver documentation, it mentions support for decimals in the fuel consumed.
    • Other changes include:
      • Improvements to amount of data retrieved with the alerts API
      • Documented how to retrieve report counters
      • Addition of nearby parameter in the reversegeo to search for nearby points of interest (geofences)
      • Support for more events and fields from third party devices (Atrack, Concox, Queclink, Teltonika, Ruptela, among others)
    • Added a new filter for trigger message templates called: toDate. This filter convert from `epoch` to `timestamp`
    • Titan devices can specify the parser to apply to the device using the managed configuration, new parameter “supported_versions” (see kys: r419, r418)
    • Fixed entity replication for enhanced assets that are assigned to Syrus 4 devices
    • Added a virtual event when an enhanced asset is no longer assigned to a vehicle
    • Scope: allows forced linking.
    • Handling of empty ;TS tags (modem temperature from Syrus 4 devices).

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