Pegasus & Core Release Notes for August 2023

Pegasus Release Notes

⭐ New Feature: Custom Properties JSON Schema

  • You can now specify a json schema in the site settings that can be used to create a custom form for the properties of Vehicles, Assets, and Geofences

⭐ New Feature: Odometer & Hourmeter in Event Popup

  • The event popup message on the map now includes the odometer & hourmeter at the time the event was generated

⭐ New Feature: Import Assets Tool

  • You can now import assets in organization similar to how geofences are imported.

⭐ New Feature: Cipia 4G Videos + Photos

  • If you have a Cipia 4G device you can configure it to report straight to Pegasus and assign a configuration (r383) that allows the upload of photos and videos


Other Changes

  • Automation

    • Trigger message – when adding entity property with nested json objects, we now show the name of the deepest key
  • Tracking

    • Vehicles that report ECU information now include more detailed information about the ecu data including if a device has stopped receiving the data or seeing changes in it (stale vs recent data). Data that has not been received after a week is marked as expired and assumed that it’s no longer detected
    • If a vehicle stops reporting a temperature sensor it is marked as expired after 1 week of not receiving new data and hidden from the interface
    • Added a helper text on the asset tooltip in the vehicle list which shows the text ‘Last ibutton detected’
    • Vehicles that report via the json-receiver that have not reported in the last 15 min are marked as ‘offline’ until they report again
  • Rawdata

    • Fixed the ✔️ checkmark for ignition status
  • Trips

    • Fixed a bug with viewing history of trips and devices reporting recent events out of order
  • Reports

    • Fixed a bug with the assignment of columns in the trips report
  • Organization

    • Added a button to synchronize dynamic groups (you must have a dynamic group created and filtered in Organization -> Groups to see the button)
    • Added the ability for Cipia FS10 4G devices to select the managed configuration – r83allows for uploading of videos
  • Webservices

    • Forwarders – the max number of messages per request (json only) was increased from 250 to 500

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Pegasus & Core Release Notes for June 2023


Pegasus Release Notes

Pegasus Application

  • Automation

    • Trigger messages for entities now include a list of all properties found in site
    • Trigger messages and alerts now include ecu speed information
  • Tracking

    • Added a right-click interaction on the map that shows the coordinates and a link to the location
    • Event popup message now includes max speed from street
  • Trips

    • In the trip summary, we now show a warning in case there are hidden fields selected as favorites
  • Dashboards

    • Added support for hiding dashboards per group
    • Improvements were made to the idling durations and counts per month
  • Reports

    • All
      • when using the report data selectors, if you filter by a group the background is no longer transparent
      • fixed a bug that would eventually duplicate the reports listed
      • added a user selector for generated reports
      • announcing an EOL for the Fuel Level ECU report (July 31, 2023), use the Fuel Report instead.
      • max number of custom properties was increased from 9 to 15
    • Temperature
      • fixed a bug that did not update the temperature in live for certain devices
      • fixed a bug that would exclude temperatures outside a certain range
    • Mileage - report allows you to select columns to show
    • Trips - added a decimal place for the distance traveled
    • Taurus report - added support for selecting custom properties
    • Special development: speeding durations, alerts, activity details, and uber type reports have extended Shipment information
  • Rawdata

    • Improvements were made to the amount of data that’s handled and processed. Larger amounts of data can be queried thanks to this
  • Organization

    • Devices - Segments, fixed a bug that would cause the section to show values that were not configured yet on the device
  • Console

    • We made changes to make sure that tracking resolutions could not be modified via a custom command
  • Changelogs

    • Taurus devices are now showing the imei-asset_id history association
  • Other

    • Solar Asset Tracker - fixed a bug that caused events with no changes to not update the time of the last event
    • Atrack - fixed the fuel priority in case a fuel consumed value was reported in multiple fields
    • Teltonika - adjusted the number of outputs for some teltonika devices based on what they have configured
    • Queclink - made adjustments to improve the processing of events when they were buffered
  • API Changes

    • ecu_total_fuel - now supports decimal values
    • entity linking was throwing an error when associating a vehicle to an asset that had never reported before, this was fixed
    • making requests to changelogs with both properties and info keys were not returning results, this was fixed
    • fixes for America/Mexico_City timezone across APIs and services
    • /bt_tags no longer requires sensor_tags parameter to be defined
    • /labels api improvements and 30s cache upon subsequent label modifications
    • /vehicles association history was limited to 5
    • segments are no longer created if the device does not have a vehicle assigned
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Pegasus & Core Release Notes for May 2023

Pegasus Release Notes

Pegasus Application

  • Tracking

    • Fixed a bug that showed an invalid date when an output had never been activated
    • Fixed a bug that had an incorrect fuel volume for Technoton sensors
    • Adjusted the Teltonika battery % values
    • Assets that are replicated hide the OFFLINE text
    • New battery states were added to indicate levels and connection status
    • Color improvements to 'dark-theme'
    • Fixed a bug that caused an asset not to update correctly in tracking when there was a driver change
    • Fuel tooltip now shows % information from sensors that are not defined in organization->vehicles -> accessories
    • Added a filter for the Fuel Sensor in tracking list, shows sensors with normal and low volumes
    • Trip paths now include an arrow ➡️ showing the location the vehicle traveled (also available in trips app)
  • Trips

    • fixed a bug that would show sometimes show double charts
    • summary shows a small icon that indicates whether the data comes from GPS or ECU (now we show both, not just ECU)
  • Organization

    • Creating a property allows you to select from a catalog of already saved properties
    • added model for the Syrus Lynx devices
    • 🆕 - ADC reading of Syrus Lynx in accessories
    • Added a device model column in SIMs
  • Dashboards

    • Added support for fuel consumed based on fuel percent field
  • Reports

    • offline - improved the battery percentages to be consistent with what's on tracking
    • HOS (working hours) - fixed duplicate and missing fields when showing info with drivers
    • engine_stats - fixed the priority of the odometer value when using the raw_counter_value
    • activity_details - values are now added inside the bars of the charts
  • Console

    • Added a system console section that shows any command sent by the system to a device (for example script configurations, counter sync, query locations, etc).
    • Now we show the number of command retries sent to a device in the outbox
  • Other Changes

    • Teltonika - support for ibuttons, rssi level
    • Topfly - output command adjusted
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Pegasus & Core Release for January 2023