Syrus 2 Firmware 2.1.64


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[item]Fixed, ECU speed, fuel and weight parameters were not correctly updated. These parameters could be updated with out of range values. [/item]
[item]Fixed, sometimes the unit did not register on GPRS after ending power saving mode. A control timer to check GPRS register was added in order to restart the application when the GPRS register fails.[/item]
[item]Fixed, the unit sometimes did not register on GPRS network if the m2mCloudConnect algorithm had been executed to change an operator and a new SIM card (not m2mCloudConnect) was inserted.[/item]
[item]Fixed, the XASF (Store & Forward Buffer) command did not return information about destination point number 5 (UDP)[/item]
[item]Fixed, an error that caused a lock for some Garmin messages[/item]
[item]Fixed, an error that blocked taking photos with the serial camera when the photos folder had more than 250 files. A restriction was added to avoid that the folder capacity reaches that limit.[/item]
[item]Fixed, the pulse counter value was incremented by one every time the application was reset. [/item]
[item]Fixed, the G26 (Pulse counter value) signal was always triggered after an application reset. [/item]
[item]Fixed, synchronization issues with serial camera that happened when serial expander was disconnected for a moment.[/item]
[item]Fixed, the location of the record where the baud rate is stored. [/item]



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[item]Changed, the maximum virtual odometer value from 99999999 to 99999999999. With this new limit, the virtual odometer roll over tag “VOR” is not supported anymore.[/item]
[item]Changed, the way to set the value of ignition, idle, over speed and over rpm counters. (XACL, XACF, XACI) Now, it is not necessary to include zeros to complete the 9 digits supported. [/item]
[item]Changed, the G20 (Jamming Persistence) signal was deprecated. Usually the GPS signal is locked by Jamming devices, so the G20 signal was not reliable. [/item]
[item]Changed, the XAJP (Jamming Parameters) command was deprecated. This command configured the parameters used to trigger the G20 signal, see working with Jamming Note below* [/item]
[item]Changed, now, the GPS speed reported in the EV frame is updated depending on GPS anti drift filter state.[/item]
[item]Changed, The FP (Fingerprint) tag to support a fingerprint user id of more than 4 characters format. [/item]
[item]Changed, the XAFP (Fingerprint) command to support the extended user id format.[/item]
[item]Changed, the format of fingerprint error codes.[/item]
[item]Changed, the XASC command to support several cameras. [/item]
[item]Changed, the serial camera mode 1 was deprecated *see note on serial camera mode 2 below[/item]
[item]Changed, the ‘S’ option for XASC command was deprecated (this command was used to diagnose the camera communication >QXASCS< instead use: >QXASCD<[/item]
[item]Changed, the “PI” extended tag was deprecated (instead use PS00 *see notes below) .[/item]
[item]Changed, the photo id format to support the several cameras schema.[/item]
[item]Changed, XARM command to support the several cameras schema. [/item]
[item]Changed, the default value for APN, from empty to[/item]
[item]Changed, the validation of XASMM command, now it supports the configuration of satcom mode 2 – release notes.[/item]



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[item]Improved, the way to validate jamming conditions. Now the jamming detection depend on GPS state. This change improved the G04 signal reliability.[/item]
[item]Improved, the serial camera capture command to avoid transmitting the same photo two times.[/item]



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[item]Added, error code 10. The command cannot be executed. Try later[/item]
[item]Added, ecu service distance tag “OW”[/item]
[item]Added, the possibility to add extended information to MDT frames.[/item]
[item]Added, G21 signal. Satcom connected.[/item]
[item]Added, Lumeway mode.[/item]
[item]Added, XALW command to configure and consult Lumeway parameters.[/item]
[item]Added, ‘L’ option to support Lumeway in serial expander mode. For more information, please consult XARM command.[/item]
[item]Added, G33 signal. Lumeway connected.[/item]
[item]Added, G34 signal. Lumeway warning.[/item]
[item]Added, G38 signal. Driver not detected by Lumeway.[/item]
[item]Added, console command to request the time without GPS.[/item]
[item]Added, DBx signals which indicates if a destination point has events in buffer.[/item]
[item]Added, the “IS” extended tag to report the last i_button connected.[/item]
[item]Added, ‘S’ option for the XAIB command to consult the last i_button connected.[/item]
[item]Added, ‘C’ option for the XAIB command to delete the last i_button connected.[/item]
[item]Added, new options to XAFP fingerprint command for changing the auto identification mode, deleting an user and registering a new user.[/item]
[item]Added, Technoton fuel sensor mode.[/item]
[item]Added, the “FF” extended tag to consult the Technoton fuel sensor parameters, Technoton State, Frequency, Temperature, and Level.[/item]
[item]Added, ‘D’ option to support Technoton fuel sensor in serial expander mode. For more information, please consult XARM command.[/item]
[item]Added, XATF command to configure and consult Technoton fuel sensor parameters.[/item]
[item]Added, G35 signal. Technoton fuel level warning.[/item]
[item]Added, G36 signal. Technoton fuel sensor connected.[/item]
[item]Added, the capacity to support up to 3 serial cameras using serial expander mode.[/item]
[item]Added, XASCP command as event action to configure photo events.[/item]
[item]Added , the “PS” extended tag to report the photo id’s associated with the event triggered.[/item]
[item]Added, error code 52. Error sending Lumeway command. Lumeway is disconnected.[/item]
[item]Added, satcom mode 2. In this mode the events without extended information are sent as binary events reducing the amount of bytes from 63 to 21.[/item]
[item]Added , the “CC” extended tag to report the communication counters.[/item]
[item]Added, XACC command to configure and consult the communication counter values and parameters.[/item]
[item]Added, XACC command to configure the thresholds associated with GPRS data consumption.[/item]
[item]Added, XACC, XALW and XATF commands to the Pegasus Device Console list of exceptions.[/item]
[item]Added, CC signals associated with GPRS data consumption.[/item]
[item]Added, a console command to configure the reference time to reset the GPRS connection when the ACK is not received by the unit.[/item]


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