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    • #10612
      Michel Castaño

      According to Syrus 4 Manual, there are a set of System Tools that are in charge of enabling/disabling and resetting specific hardware functionalities. They can also be used to interact with some Linux applications such as hostapd which is used for bringing up a hotspot.


      These System Tools are console commands starting with apx- and they are usually sent via USB through a bash console as seen in the following example:


      When necessary there is a way to send this commands via Pegasus console with the same result as in bash



      Let’s turn on and off the blue led Over the console:

      Bash apx- command is

      So, for example to turn Blue led on and off the bash commands are
      sudo apx-leds blue on

      sudo apx-leds blue off

      From Pegasus console is the same command but adding SXAEC:: prefix at the beginning of the command:

      Syrus replies back the command and an OK at the end confirming the result

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by leo.
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