Tagged: copiloto, copiloto virtual, Syrus4, virtual copilot
February 9, 2021 at 6:22 pm #11348Michel CastañoKeymaster
The main purpose of this document is to create an instance of SyrusJS in Syrus 4G to work as a Virtual Copilot
Documentation inted for developers only!
Syrus 4G IoT Telematics Gateway.
– Syrus4
– Speaker Bluetooth Bluetooth Profiles: Headset Profile (HSP)
– Apex OS Version apex-21.02.0
– µChip Version 1.0.11T
1. Connect iButton reader to white/red wire and brown wire in 14 PIN molex
2. Preparing your System
Go to Management Tool ( if you’re over USB cable), select System and confirm that you’re up to date
3. Now go to Applications Manager and Check for updates and make sure you have the latest version of SyrusJS application installed:4. Create an instance
In application manager pull down the menu of SyrusJS, this will show you all versions installed of the application, select the latest one and Create a New Instance:..5. Name your instance and select Create Instance button:
Now you have your instance created:
6. Connect and pair HSP Bluetooth speaker via Syrus 4G User Interface (make sure Bluetooth speaker is on):
Click on the discovered BT device and then click “Connect”Pair and connect
A “Play” (▶) sign must appear as shown in image above. Otherwise Audio is not being routed. (Possible causes: There is another Bluetooth speaker paired: disconnect it, unpair it and try again).
Click the Play button. A default message must be heard through the Speaker.
7. Optional: Preconfigure Accelerometer: If you want to integrate Driver Behavior with Virtual Copilot you will need to calibrate accelerometer. On the UI click on Accelerometer and then in acceleration test. At the end of this configuration you must go over 30kmh for a while to finish Acceleration alignment
The following Steps are necessary to create the configuration for Virtual Copilot
1. Create Geofences: It is the only part of the configuration which varies between customers but it can be done automatically either via Pegasus Gateway or via Syrus 4G’s User Interface
2. Use a configuration template which commands will be described in further detail below
3. Configure the device via User InterfaceCreate geofences: there are two Options:
Create Geofences From User Interface (Recommended for Few Geofences or for corrections)
From Pegasus (Recommended for massive groups of Geofences – Up to 3000)Configuration Template: Follow this link to download a virtual Copilot configuration template. It contains everything needed to run Virtual Copilot in your Syrus 4G
Next we will explain briefly the contents of the configuration template:
“Speed limits” and “Inside Geofence” Signals:
Speed signals will change their state to true when speed is above the selected number.Note also that Geofences Signals are created with the collection’s name. This is very useful when you have thousands of Geofences grouped in only 3 or 4 collections. After this we can relate speak actions to those signals So when the driver enters to a delimited zone, a voice in the speaker advice it and also warns if the speed limit inside the geofence is violated
`# Speed Signals
define signal speedZone30 min_duration=1s $gnss.kph > 30
# Geofence Signals
define signal speed_limit_30_event $geofences.$groups.speed_limit_30.inside# ACTIONS TO SPEAK GEOFENCE ENTERING
define action speakAction30 trigger=speed_limit_30_event speak lang=es ‘Entering 30 kilometers per hour zone’
define action speakActionOver30 trigger=speed_limit_30_event,speedZone30,and speak lang=es ‘Decrease speed.. 30 kilometers per hour zone’`Configuring iButton
It detects if an iButton is authorized or not and sets an output ON or OFF with Ignition cut off purposes. Last, creates actions to speak when an iButton is detected by the iButton reader. Note double brackets {{$ibutton.authorized.last.alias}} variable: Speaker will tell Driver’s name when a recognized iButton is entered. For this example the Speaker will say: “Welcome John Smith…”
add ibutton John_Smith 16000015B0415A01
# authorized driver
define signal auth_ibutton $ibutton.connected.whitelisted == true
# unauthorized driver
define signal unauth_ibutton $ibutton.connected.whitelisted == false
# action to deactivate output2 if driver authorized define action auth_driver_deactivate_out trigger=auth_ibutton set out2 off# action to activate output2 if driver is unauthorized
define action unauth_activate_out trigger=unauth_ibutton set out2 on
define action speakActionIbutton trigger=auth_ibutton speak lang=en ‘Welcome {{$ibutton.authorized.last.alias}} DCT wishes you a good trip’
define action speakActionNoIbutton trigger=unauth_ibutton speak lang=en ‘You are not an authorized driver. Please contact your administrator’`Also if it is needed to upload or update several iButton IDs remotely, follow this guide: Creating an iButton list inside Syrus4
Optional: Configuring Harsh Acceleration, Braking and Harsh Curves Reports
This part of the configuration uses Syrus 4G’s fixed accelerometer signals to generate Action speaker alerts when Harsh cornering, Hard braking, or hard accelerations are detected.
First let’s add accelerometer parameters. The following example lines were created accordig the weight and features of a Chevrolet Tahoe. Then simply define events with fixed signal names regarding acceleration
`####### ###### ####### ###### #######
############ START ACCELEROMETER ###########
set accelerometer CFG_FORWARD_COLLISION -2000
set accelerometer CFG_BACKWARD_COLLISION 2000
set accelerometer CFG_LAT_COLLISION_FROM_RIGHT -2000
set accelerometer CFG_LAT_COLLISION_FROM_LEFT 2000
set accelerometer CFG_HARSH_FWD_ACCELERATION 240
set accelerometer CFG_HARD_BRAKING -300
set accelerometer CFG_CORNERING_RIGHT -300
set accelerometer CFG_CORNERING_LEFT 300
define event brakingEvent group=tracking fieldset=default ack=seq code=44 label=braking trigger=@accelerometer.hard_braking.signal
define event cornering_left group=tracking fieldset=default ack=seq code=47 label=crnrleft trigger=@accelerometer.cornering_left.signal
define event cornering_right group=tracking fieldset=default ack=seq code=46 label=crnrright trigger=@accelerometer.cornering_right.signal`Configuring Other Voice Messages for Bluetooth Speaker
Actions to send audio messages through Bluetooth Speaker when Ignition changes its state.
define action speakActionIgnOn trigger=ignon speak lang=es ‘Ignición Encendida, DCT le desea buen viaje’
define action speakActionIgnOFF trigger=ignoff speak lang=es ‘El motor ha sido apagado. Bienvenido a su destino’`Configure the device:
From the User Interface → Application Manager, click on virtual_copilot instance we created above
Go to “Data Folder” tab and upload the following file:
Go to the “configuration” tab. If you followed Geofences creation walkthrough above the box “Geofence Namespace will be filled:
Select Configuration file as shown in image below and click “SAVE” button:
Finally go to “Information” tab and click on “Start”
- This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Michel Castaño.
- This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Michel Castaño.
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