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  • Author
    • #11354
      Michel Castaño

      Creation and updates over the air of iButton lists are necessary to activate driver recognition systems as seen on this previous post.

      Let’s see how to create a drivers list and how to send it remotely to Syrus 4.

      First, create a list of drivers. name it whitelist.txt

      The format must be as follows:


      Remember separate Name and Last Name with an underscore _ and to separate the name of the iButton ID with :
      Example Kobe_Hanson:b300001c3ccf3701

      From Syrus Cloud , commands section Select the devices which needs the new iButton list and select “Upload File” as shown in image below:


      Next, Click on the right side textbox and choose your recently created file “whitelist.txt”

      Once selected, Syrus cloud should create a path automatically as follow. Please refer for documentation here


      If it is not, you can change it manually. Next, click on Send Icon:

      Command puts immediately in line waiting to be sent

      Finally a green check appears indicating upload was done succesfully


      Optional: Checking that white list was successfully sent.

      If you have access to the UI you can check with the following command:

      cat ../syrus4g/onewire/whitelist.txt

      Demonstrating in this way how whitelist.txt was updated.

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