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    • #13673
      Michel Castaño

      Trips are a very important feature of Pegasus. It let us separate trips to see them in “Trips” Module and to generate reports as well as “Trip Reports’.

      Usually trips can be separated by either Ignition Status or Moving Detection

      This forum will teach you how to separate trips with specific labels:

      1. Under  Organization -> Devices -> Trip management choose trip Method “Event Labels”:

      2. There are 5 labels options:

      Trip Start: Select the label(s) to START a trip
      Trip End: Select the label(s) to END a trip
      Stop Start: Select the label(s) to CANCEL a trip START
      Stop End: Select the label(s) to CANCEL a trip END
      Trip Toggle: If a Trip end occurs, and the label selected occurs after,  A new Trip Start will Happens

      Note: When several labels are chosen, they will be linked with an OR operator (Example: Ignition On OR Movement

      Note 2: Stop Start, Stop End and Trip Toggle could be empty

      Note 3: Because this trip start and ending feature works with lables, all conditions must be labeled as specific events on the Device configuration

      Use example: An electric StreetSweeper as the one of image below hasn’t a point to detect ignition, so it has attached ADC sensor to detect when the vehicle has been turned On, Input 3 detects when the sweeper is on and also Device’s accelerometer can detect when the vehicle started to move on.

      Trip Start: Either  ADC or moving detection Start trip:

      Trip End: Either ADC or Stop moving detection ends current trip:

      Stop End and Trip Toggle:  ADC is not sensing voltage, but Sweeper brush is being detected ON by Input 3So trip should not end:

      Stop Start: Left blank

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